YWCA looks for G.I.R.L.S. Power volunteers to help motivateseventh-grade girls

Sherkiya Wedgeworth

The YWCA is looking for program volunteers to help mold Ames Middle School students into Genuinely Intelligent Rambunctious Leaders – G.I.R.L.S. Power.

G.I.R.L.S. Power is a mentoring program sponsored by the YWCA that promotes leadership and empowerment for seventh-grade girls.

“This is a very important time in their life, because they’re going through the transition from grade school to middle school,” said April Samuelson, program coordinator.

According to the YWCA Web site, the program is strengthened by diversity and draws women and girls together to strive for better opportunities.

College women between the ages of 18 and 24 who are able to commit two hours every other week are encouraged to apply.

It is preferred that volunteers be in their second year of college.

This year, the program has expanded and will be available in Nevada as well as Ames.

People who are willing to commute or who live in Nevada are highly encouraged to apply.

“They are really excited about having the program there,” said Samuelson, sophomore in management.

Mentors will work with young girls by participating in group activities planned by the program coordinator.

Last year, the group had a sleep over, listened to guest speakers, baked cookies for the homeless shelter and visited a nursing home where they played bingo with the residents, said Samuelson, a former mentor.

“This is only half of the stuff we did,” she said.

The mentor also will have the chance to explore some career options and learn new skills.

“The girls are a lot of fun,” Samuelson said. “They enjoy it so much it made me enjoy it a lot more.”

Michelle Talbott, senior in English, said she wanted to be involved in something in which she could be an influence and help out young girls.

“It’s really a fun community service,” said Talbott, who was a mentor last year.

Training will begin at the end of September, so applications should be turned in as soon as possible.

For more information and an application stop by room 15 Alumni Hall.