Moyle naive about current crisis

Dan Nguyen

If there is any compliment to be said for Blaine Moyle, it would be that he at least practices what he preaches in his column (“Media saturation tainting public’s views”). His desire to avoid the media “assault” is the only explanation for an opinion as naive as his about the current crisis.

Moyle, do the events of last week do an injustice by lumping them with all the other tragedies of the past few decades.

Not only is this event unparalled because of the horrendous sudden loss of lives, but also because of the unique political and economical situation that preceded and followed this tragic day.

Perhaps the reason why the media is providing an “information overload” is because it believes the possibility of societal upheaval, economic recession, more terrorist attacks and of course war, is more relevant to the average American’s near future than “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.”

Does it even occur to Moyle the rude awakening that America periodically goes through due to tragic events is a result of the blissful ignorance that he advocates?

America will never be able to “wake up” if its collective mind is devoted to predicting the winner of “Survivor.” As any college student knows, the pain of waking up is the price to pay for a worthwhile education. If Moyle wants America to “wake up,” perhaps America should toughen up and watch a reality harsher than “The Real World” unfold on the evening news.

But Moyle is right on at least one point – the American populace seems to be vastly ignorant about the subject of the Middle East and American foreign policy.

Is Moyle truly upset about the media’s biased reporting of the situation?

Then perhaps he should use his soapbox to help alleviate this problem rather than telling the public to stick its head in the sand.

Dan Nguyen


Computer Engineering and Pre-Journalism