Edit board wrong, U.N. worthless

Jeff Brinkman

In response to the United States’ early exit from the U.N. conference on racism as “cowardly,” I need to disagree.

Everyone knows that the Dog and Pony Show in Durban is a complete joke and nothing more, much like the United Nations organization itself. This conference wasn’t about racism. If so, they would have addressed Africans raping and killing whites in Africa to take their land, or just to thrill-kill. They would have condemned the “Palestinians” (another farce) as the terrorists they are, trying to eradicate the Jewish state and people, instead of condemning the Israelis and Zionism as a form of racism.

Finally, if the absurd idea of reparations were to be taken seriously, the African tribes who sold the African prisoners to the Arab slave traders would have been criticized. But no, this conference is just a continuation of more U.N. garbage, trying to humiliate the United States. I didn’t agree with them going in the first place, but at least they had the sense to leave early.

Jeff Brinkman

