A&E commentary pretty worthless

Sean Corcoran

Jon Dahlager and Kyle Moss made it absolutely clear who they

thought was a better band with four words, so why even continue

writing the article?

By cleverly combining the names of three bands (“Linkin Park,”

“Drowning Pool” and “Puddle of Mudd”) into “Linkin Pool of Mudd,”

they demonstrated a definite bias right from the beginning of the

article, so no one should have been surprised by their obvious


Sure, Slipknot is from Iowa, and we’re always supposed to

support the local guys, but did it ever occur to Dahlager and Moss

that perhaps not everyone from Iowa likes Slipknot?

Do I dare mention that there may actually be someone in Iowa who

likes one of the three bands they decided to quickly dismiss?

I’m not defending these bands, as I prefer not to listen to any of the

four of them, but as a fan of all kinds of music, I felt compelled to

stand up for listeners of all music who don’t deserve to have their

personal tastes insulted.

Instead of combining these three bands and condemning them

because of where they’re from or their style of music or the

audience they cater to, Dahlager and Moss should have focused

on the quality of the records they were supposedly “reviewing.”

Instead of using the “Last Band Standing” column for a useful,

qualitative review and comparison of two bands, Dahlager and

Moss used it as their own personal soapbox to promote their own

opinions on music, and seem completely oblivious to the fact that

they are insulting some members of their own intended audience

– Daily readers.

Why not reassign the space devoted to the weekly “Last Band

Standing” column to something more useful, like decent reviews

of new music from objective fans of real music or at least more

pizza coupons.

Sean Corcoran


Journalism and mass communication