Orchesis I kicks off new season

Leah Eaton

Whirling dervishes will transform the Maintenance Shop with the dazzling display of eclectic dance styles.

Orchesis I, the student dance group, will be holding a concert at the M-Shop Sunday at 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.

“It is a nice concert for us on a couple of different levels,” says Megan Helmers, member of Orchesis and senior in English. “It gets our name out during a fun and easy-going concert, and allows for members to choreograph and perform for family and friends.”

The types of dance performed will be quite diverse, with “everything from the Beatles to Janet Jackson” represented, according to Helmers.

Orchesis is an audition dance company open to anyone associated with Iowa State. The group holds classes every Thursday night, according to Orchesis I President Naura Heiman, senior in architecture.

“It is for all levels of dance,” she says. “The auditions are somewhat based on technique, and dance and rhythm awareness. Anyone is welcome.”

Age is also not an issue for the tryouts with the age group ranging from 17 to 35, Heiman says.

“The best part about Orchesis for me is the ability to continue on with my dance, learn new techniques, be able to perform for people, and, of course, making new friends,” Heiman says.

“Everyone should feel welcome to come [to the concert and auditions],” Helmers adds.