Hollywood comes alive at MU movie poster exhibit

Katrina Watson

“Hollywood Through Its Posters,” an exhibition of classic Hollywood films, is on display in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union through Sept. 27.

The exhibit, which belongs to Michael Piepel of Jefferson, includes posters from such classics as “The Wizard of Oz,” “Gone With The Wind” and “Snow White.”

Piepel’s collection is the first of its kind to be displayed at theUnion, said Theresa Cannon, programming advisor for the Union.

“It’s Hollywood, it’s part of our history,” Cannon said. “It is very interesting to see how things have changed as far as marketing movies.”

Piepel began collecting classic movie posters nearly 25 years ago. While working at Minnesota State University-Mankato, Piepel was approached by a friend from Films Incorporated.

“He offered to sell me old posters for four dollars each,” he said. “I always enjoyed films, especially classic films; one thing led to another.”

Today, Piepel has nearly 100 movie posters.

The value of his collection depends on the buyer interested.

“I can’t put a monetary value on them, they have more of a sentimental value,” he explained.

The posters are of varying sizes. Some are small window cards; others are as large as billboards.

He has more movie posters on display in the State Historical Society Building in Des Moines. This exhibit, titled “100 of Our Favorite Things,” will be open until May or December of next year.