The Mojo returns

Jennifer Schweisberger

It’s 9 p.m. on Monday and the quiet stillness of the Memorial Union suddenly erupts with the sound of laughter echoing throughout the corridors.

The cast of Grandma Mojo’s is at it again.

Grandma Mojo’s, a comedy group on campus, performs every other Wednesday at 10 p.m. in the Maintenance Shop, located in the basement of the Union. Every Monday, the cast members meet to present skit ideas, elaborate on each other’s ideas, and “goof around,” said Jeff Policky, junior in pre-architecture and a second year member of the cast.

“It’s a lot of fun,” he said. “It helps you to develop your comedic abilities and to have other people around to tell you what’s funny and what’s not.”

Dave Roepke, senior in journalism and mass communication and a member of Grandma Mojo’s for five years, said that Mondays before a show, the cast members bring a tentative list of skits for the show.

On Wednesdays, the cast members meet to practice the skits on stage with props, costume, and music. The cast is directed by the person who came up with the skit idea.

The members of Grandma Mojo’s brainstorm and propose their individual skit ideas to the other cast members.

“A lot of times, we’ll make fun of the skit if we don’t like the idea,” said Jen Potsch, a member since spring of 1999.

“It’s all in the name of brainstorming,” said Scott Connerly, junior in management information systems and a third year member of the group.

John Petersen, a senior in biological/pre-medical illustration, said about half of the group’s skits end up being improvisational in terms of following the script. He said the main goal is that important lines are remembered and the comedic aspects of the skit are delivered properly.

Potsch said that at the meetings before the show on Wednesdays, she makes up the final show list.

“The show list is based on an agreement by everybody that it’s funny and the audience would like it,” Potsch said. “It also depends on if the skit goes right or if people have problems with their lines. We might pull it and try it another time.”

Ticket sales begin around 9 in front of the M-shop on Wednesday nights and the doors open at 9:30. Tickets are $1.