ISU students Stone, Kassmeyer ready to head AAFCS

Steven Brittain

Two ISU students have been selected to fill two of the top positions with the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.

The AAFCS, a professional organization dedicated to family and consumer science, appointed Jenny Stone, senior in FCS education, as chairwoman of the AAFCS Pre-Professional and Graduate Student section. Elizabeth Kassmeyer, junior in FCS education, was named chairwoman-elect of Pre-Professional and Graduate Student section.

Founded in 1909, the AAFCS is one of the oldest professional societies in the country. The association, which has over 12,000 members, said its purpose is “to improve the quality of individual and family life through programs that educate, influence public policy, disseminate information and publish research findings,” according to an ISU press release.

Kassmeyer said her main goal within the organization will be to promote the general benefits of studying family and consumer sciences.

“I want to motivate students to get involved, especially in AAFCS,” she said. “We have a rather small student section, and I would love to be a key player in increasing our membership. I think it’s a shame that more people don’t appreciate the FCS program, and that people are not educated about it.”

Stone is responsible for the national association’s student section, which is made up of about 1,500 students. She will sit on the board of directors and be responsible for all of the programing and coordinating for the group.

The group is always looking for more students interested in being a part of the association, Stone said.

“We don’t only want to focus completely on the new members, we want to concentrate on the students that we already have,” she said. “We want to encourage our current members to continue to develop and participate so that we can receive the full benefit from their membership.”

The AAFCS welcomes any interested members, Kassmeyer said. As long as people are willing to work hard and participate, everyone is encouraged to take part, she said.

“The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences is a connection for all family and consumer scientists,” she said. “It provides us with a national program to promote and improve FCS. Being a member of AAFCS gives us unbelievable opportunities. We help each other so much it’s amazing.”