WelcomeFest starts tonight

Katie Anderson

The City of Ames and the ISU community will have a chance to showcase what they have to offer during WelcomeFest tonight beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union.

WelcomeFest, an annual event to welcome students back to Iowa State, will showcase more than 90 businesses and organizations around Ames and the ISU campus.

WelcomeFest gives students a chance to see goods and services available from area businesses and organizations, said Laura Bestler-Wilcox, program coordinator for the Dean of Students Office.

“WelcomeFest is a good way for both new and returning students to find out about what area opportunities are available to them,” Bestler-Wilcox said. “New students can find out which bank to bank at, where to buy groceries and look for a job.”

Free food and prizes provided by various businesses and vendors also will be available.

The radio station 105.1 Channel Q is a returning organizations to this year’s WelcomeFest.

Bobby Hacker, program director for Channel Q, said WelcomeFest is a good way to introduce the station to the 4,500 freshmen at Iowa State.

“We’ll be out there with a live broadcast, giving stuff away and playing the radio over the sound system,” Hacker said. He said Channel Q will be one of the many vendors giving away free items to students.

Last year’s WelcomeFest was a huge success, Hacker said. Channel Q gave away 3,000 keychains, and more than 4,000 students showed up for last year’s event.

Anyone interested in picking up a prize, free food, some knowledge about what Ames and Iowa State have to offer can stop by WelcomeFest from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Booths will be set up in the Great Hall, South Ballroom, Sun Room and Oak Room of the Memorial Union.

For more information about WelcomeFest, visit the Web site sac.iastate.edu/Wfest/wfest.html.