Facebook’s Kate McKinley to speak about augmented and virtual reality

“Security and Virtual Reality,” Kate McKinley, a security leader at Facebook Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, will share her unique career path and talk about her current work in VR. McKinley has worked previously at Mozilla, Netflix, iSEC Partners, and more as a developer, security engineer, and security expert.
February 19, 2019
Engineers week continues Thursday with Kate McKinley, a security leader at Facebook Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, giving the keynote lecture discussing her work of Virtual Reality (VR) technology and what the future holds for the platform.
McKinley will be speaking 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium in Howe Hall.
“[McKinley] has worked previously at Mozilla, Netflix, iSEC Partners, and more as a developer, security engineer, and security expert,” according to the Lectures Program website. Since then, she has been with Facebook to help develop virtual reality and augmented reality technology for the general public to use.
McKinley is also going to share the story of her long journey and experiences through the years of her career, including some of her accomplishments and projects that she has personally been apart of.
According to Forbes magazine, Facebook bought Oculus VR five years ago for about two billion dollars to develop VR gaming. Facebook had hopes that it would soon be a gaming platform for regular use that would give people a life-like gaming experience.
The concept of Virtual Reality and augmented reality has been involved in many projects done by big name companies like Samsung, who designed their phone to be connected with a VR headset, and Sony, who released a VR controller and headset for the Playstation 4 in October 2016.