International Links: A Weekly Source of the World’s News

Chinese Minister: China Should Enter

WTO as Developing Country

Chinese foreign trade minister Shi Guangsheng

said Tuesday that the stand of the Chinese government on its accession

to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is “consistent and active.”

Via China Daily

Chinese and Nigerian Presidents Hold


President Jiang Zemin held talks with

his Niger counterpart Mamadou Tandja Tuesday. Theÿ two heads of state

exchanged views on bilateral relations andÿ international issues of

common concern, and reached consensus on a wide range of topics.

Via Chinese People’s


Russian Zhirinovsky Writes to Bush’s


Vladimir Zhirinovsky, “enfant terrible”

and clown prince of Russian politics, has written to the daughters of US

President George W. Bush with some advice on avoiding the demon drink and

not paining their famous dad.

Via China Daily

Opinion: Out of America or Africa?

Greg Mills on Colin Powell

Via the Daily Mail

& Guardian

Central African Republic Denies ‘Ethnic

Cleansing’ 0,1113,2-11-39_1034813,00.html

Via News 24

Cholera Epidemic in South Africa

– 100,000 Infected

More than 100 000 people have been infected

with cholera since the outbreak of an epidemic in eastern South Africa

last August, with the death toll at 208, health authorities said on Monday.

Via the Daily Mail

& Guardian

Honduras: Police Bust Colombian Drug


Due to its geographic location, Honduras

is an important transshipment drug point.ÿ This fact bore greater

relevancy Tuesday (May 29) when law enforcement authorities revealed that

a Columbian cartel had established a powerful drug-ring in the region.

Via Honduras Times

Philippines: 200 Hostages Taken by

Islamic Extremists

Islamic rebels have taken 200 people hostage

on the Philippines island of Basilan, six days after 20 people were captured

in a hotel complex on the Island of Palawan.

Via Pravda

Vladivostok, Russia: City Transport

Head Slain

The Head of the Vladivostok City Transportation

Department was shot and killed in an apparent mob hit early on Wednesday

as she was leaving her apartment building for work.

Via Vladivostok News

All Non-Governmental Organizations

Unjustly Tarred With the Same Brush

The seven-year jail sentence against Egyptian-US

academic Saad Eddin Ibrahim ignited a fresh bout of debate over the future

of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Egypt, an Egyptian report said.

Via Arabic News

English Football Hooligans Face Rough

Reception in Greece

Greek authorities are giving a warning

of a rough reception for troublemakers among the 7,000 England football

fans gathering in Athens for tonight’s World Cup qualifying match.,,2-2001191955,00.html

Via the UK Times

India: 25 Killed in Clashes in Kashmir

TWENTY-FIVE people including two Indian

soldiers and 21 Muslim separatist rebels, have been killed in fresh gunbattles

in Jammu and Kashmir, police said Tuesday.

Via India Abroad

Korea: Dry Spell Feared to Last Till

Late June

The nation continues to suffer from the

severe drought that has lasted more than three months as many regions of

the peninsula have reported record-low precipitation levels. t2001060517224741110.htm

Via Korea Times

Nepal: New King Gyanendra Crowned

Gyanendra was crowned King of Nepal today

at the Nyasal Chowk of Hanuman Dhoka Palace within hours after the death

of his nephew, Dipendra.

Via India Daily
