`Images of Dance’ filled with diversity

Shandra Wendorff

This year’s annual presentation of “Images of Dance 2001” fuses a jumble of dance styles from classical ballet to hip-hop to a 1980s rendition of a “Weird Al” Yankovic parody.

Images of Dance is a showcase of different dance forms presented by members of the Iowa State Dance Tour Company, Orchesis II, the Iowa State Ballroom Dance Company and ISU dance classes.

“It’s a mix ‘er up concert,” says director Janice Baker. “I think the diversity of the dancers is a big highlight. There’s a wide variety of personalities being presented on the stage. Everyone gets to make their own personal stamp in the end.”

Baker aids the students in coordinating the technical aspects of the show and added some choreography, but maintains that the show is largely student-run. She says that the show will involve approximately 150 students who will perform 21 three to four minute pieces covering various styles of dance for which they have been rehearsing for up to two months.

Carrie Walton, junior in psychology, and Melissa Huth, junior in early childhood education, collaborated in choreographing five members of Orchesis II to the piece “Alegria,” by Cirque Du Soii, which emphasizes a lyrical framework.

“We have choreographed a couple of other pieces for Footfalls and last year’s Images of Dance,” Walton says, “but the piece we have done for this year is our best one thus far.”

Huth adds that it’s a very slow-moving piece with flowing movements that evoke pleasant attitudes from the dancers and audience alike.

Adrienne Steele, freshman in psychology is choreographing a rhythmic quartet to music from the Tarzan soundtrack, which she says adds another creative aspect to the show.

“It’s a very upbeat and different,” she says. “The difficulty is also high . basically it’s just a lot of fun. It’s awesome in general; it keeps everyone moving.”

Baker says that one of the high points is an energetic piece put together by Ryan Van Every, junior in management information systems.

Van Every is the vice president of Orchesis II and decided to step out of the normal routine with “Eat It,” by “Weird Al” Yankovic,” a parody of Michael Jackson’s “Beat It.”

“I’m a good-natured person and like to step out of the normal and have some fun now and then,” he says. “My piece reflects that.”

He describes that the dance reflects the lyrics of the song, which are related in some way to food. He says some of the motions go so far as to mimic egg beaters “Weird Al” mentions in his song. His ten dancers will be sporting costumes in the order of sweat pants, cut-off sweatshirts and possibly leg warmers.

“I’m going for the stereotypical look of a 1980s exerciser,” he says

Another unique piece will be incorporated by Ashley Krusinski, sophomore in art and design, who is making her debut as a choreographer in Sunday’s presentations. She uses hula hoops and lifts to add spunk into her jazzy remix of “Sandstorm” by Da Rude.

“It’s a techno, jazz, funk blend,” she explains. “Really it’s a mix of whatever.”

Baker says that the beauty of Images of Dance will be getting to see the hard work of the students pan out and besides a showcase, it will allow many spectators to see what dance opportunities are available at Iowa State.

“I think overall, I just like the idea that Images shows off different styles and works of dance,” Van Every says. “It isn’t just modern, but combines modern dance, ballet, jazz, tap and a variety of other styles. I think it creates something that everybody will enjoy.”

Steele also agrees that the show will reach out to a lot of people simply because it has “a little bit of everything” spiced into the program.

“It’s fun, it’s funny, it’s moving, and most of all it’s impressive,” she says. “A lot of the talent these people have is unknown to ISU.

This is a chance for us to show off, and show what we love to do and how wonderfully we do it.”

Seating will begin 20 minutes before curtain and each concert will last approximately an hour.