GSB transition time

Editorial Board

Tuesday night, Andy Tofilon and Charlie Johnson were sworn in as Government of the Student Body president and vice president.

The new GSB executives will undoubtedly face immediate challenges, as state budget cuts continue to threaten Iowa State and its students.

Tofilon and Johnson, veterans of GSB and experienced in dealing with the legislature, must be able to effectively lobby the Iowa legislature in order to ensure we are not continually hurt by mounting budget cuts.

The new executives will have big shoes to fill, as Ben Golding and Lisa Dhouly have completed a successful term as GSB executives.

There have been plenty of times this past year when GSB’s actions have come under close scrutiny by various people, including the Daily.

When all is said and done, GSB exists for one reason: to serve the ISU student body.

If you have a problem with something GSB does, don’t be afraid to talk to Tofilon and Johnson or your GSB senators who are there to serve you.

Iowa State’s student government is, and always will be, accountable to the students.

It is the students’ funds that GSB allocates, and every action taken should reflect the opinions of the students at Iowa State.

Tofilon and Johnson are fit for the job, as evidenced by their landslide victory in the past election.

Their experience and ideas will definitely come in handy when it comes time for battles with the legislature.

Immediately, though, Tofilon and Johnson must somehow draw more disenchanted students into what exactly goes on in GSB.

editorialboard: Carrie Tett, Jocelyn Marcus, Katie Goldsmith, Andrea Hauser and Tim Paluch