Metal, hardcore dominate 3rd installment of Saturdays Rock

Mike Britson

The Saturdays Rock at Boheme concludes this weekend with the third show. Promoter Jim Schloemer has been amazed with the quality of the other Saturdays Rock but is disappointed with their turnouts.

“There are a lot of people who are missing some amazing bands coming to Ames, and I think people might think that they have to stay for the entire show,” he said. “People can come and go as they please.”

This week, the lineup includes several bands from the Minneapolis label Blue Worm Records, as well as Des Moines heavy hitter Index Case headlining the show. Saturdays Rock begins at 1 p.m. at the Boheme; admission is $7 for seven bands.

Beginning the day, is the Omaha/Ames band Hog Mallet. The group has been playing shows for three years in its hometown of Omaha, but the grunge/punk trio decided to enroll at Iowa State University and has since been playing around Ames.

The group has previously done two home-recorded demos and has plans to record a full length studio album later this year.

At 2 p.m., the stage is taken over by Des Moines rock `n’ roll act Cordova. Formed from the ashes of The Revolution Theory, C.S.I. and Special Agent Cosmo in November 2000, the band is already receiving attention from several indie labels interested in putting out a full-length album.

The band feels it has the right combination of members to be able to play music for a living, says guitarist Bill Brown a.k.a. Prof. Noize ii. Cordova has ambitious touring plans this summer, and is currently setting up shows from Las Vegas to New York.

Then Minneapolis rock band Seconds Before takes the stage. The group formed in late 1999 and has done shows with regional heavyweights Align, Down and Above and Redoverlunar.

Guitarist Chris Dales describes the group’s sound as being somewhere between driving, melodic, post-hardcore and pop-friendly hook-laden indie rock.

Seconds Before has a three- song demo, but says its second self-funded effort will be finished late this spring. The band plans to play more regional shows, and eventually hopes for label support for releasing a full-length album and national touring.

At 4 p.m., Minneapolis’ “harmony core” band Down and Above takes the stage. Originally from Montana, the trio moved to Minneapolis in the fall of 1998 and reformed as Down and Above, setting heavy guitars against tight, three-part harmonies.

The band recently recorded its three-song demo in 2000, and since its release party in February, it has been consistently lining up shows in the Minneapolis area and has plans for recording an EP this summer.

Guitarist David Yound says Down and Above is currently putting together a summer tour to promote itself to indie labels and fans.

At 5 p.m., Blue Worm Records artist Cold Cranking Amps stops by to take on Ames. The band began playing six years ago under the name Furious George, but after adding a new drummer three years ago, Cold Cranking Amps was born.

The group has released three EP’s as well as 1999’s Anxiety Blanket, its first full-length album. The band is currently wrapping up recording its second album tentatively called “Evil Red Light,” according to bassist Jeff Hovendon.

After Cold Cranking Amps, Blue Worm Records labelmates Sunset Black takes the stage. The band originally formed in 1996 in Kansas City, but in August 1999, the quartet decided to move to Minneapolis and joined BWR soon after.

Sunset Black boasts an impressive list of bands it has shared the stage with such as Linkin Park, Buckcherry, Fuel and 2 Skinnee J’s. The band has been in the Top 100 of the Alternative Metal charts, and is currently nominated for The Minnesota Music Award for Best New Band. Sunset Black is recording a three-song promotional demo to be released in May, and a six-song EP to be released in August.

Des Moines hard core outfit Index Case headlines the evening, with an energetic live show that consistently draws fans wherever it plays. Index Case is on weekly rotation on Lazer 103.3, and last fall won the Lazer Battle of the Bands, drawing over 1,000 people to its performance.

Its debut CD, “Birth,” features the song “Every Breath” which was recently selected to be on the soundtrack for the indie movie “The Private Public,” starring David Burns and Jason Cornwell from MTV’s “The Real World.”

Index Case has opened for several national acts such as Papa Roach, Disturbed, American Head Charge and Primer 55, and is preparing to return to the studio to record a six-song EP.