Boheme bounces with all-star electronic act

Josh Nelson

After their show at Boheme Thursday, the Ames-based Electric Sculpture Dependent DJ crew proved that although they may not be omnipotent, they do know what they’re doing and they do it well.

The show was the third installment in what is called the Omniscience Sessions. It features the entire ESD lineup, which includes two DJs, Shortround and Threnody, and two live PAs, Jayron2000x and ESD creator Synapsis.

Though it’s a pretty common term in the world of electronic music, the term live PA will confuse most newcomers. A live PA is a person who creates his own music, and uses electronic equipment, like drum machines or synthesizers, to play it back to a live crowd.

The night began with the banging house grooves of DJ Shortround at 10. Boheme was still pretty slow for business, but that always happens around this time. A few local heroes from the area rave scene had showed up to give a help and began to dance out on the floor. In spite of the lack of people dancing, Shortround’s set was amazing.

As Shortround’s set came to a close, the Boheme had started to fill up. Excitement was in the air as the duo, Jayron2000x vs. Synapsis, climbed back behind their rigs and let the first beat rip. The next half hour was a barrage of trance and synthcore rhythms. The whole show seemed bittersweet, however, as this was to be Jayron2000x’s last show.

Once the two finished trading lines on their synths, Jayron stepped down, and Synapsis began his audio assault of hard electronic disciplines. Beginning with a few trance rhythms, the ESD leader slowly built up the energy throughout his set, keeping the dance floor packed.

Throughout his set, Synapsis showed he had an impeccable ear for music selection, including such anthems as the DJ Tiesto remix of “Sweet Surrender” by Sarah McLachlan, “Heaven Scent” by Bedrock, his own remix of Dieselboy’s “Invid,” and a hardcore song that contained samples from “Night of the Living Dead.”

As the live PA’s presentation came to a close, there was still no relief from the energy. Up next was DJ Threnody. Throwing down beats from beyond, Threnody knew what jungle was all about. From the dark grinding beats of darkstep to the rasta lyrics of ragga, he blended it all flawlessly.

As the night came to a close, the ESD crew proved they were a force to be reckoned with. The title Omniscience fit well that night, as they seemed to know exactly what they were doing and did it well.