Opening ceremonies will kick off Veishea festivities

Katelyn Thrall

Since the first torch was lit in Des Moines and run to Ames in 1950, the tradition of Veishea opening ceremonies and lighting of the Veishea torch has carried on through the years.

The ongoing ISU tradition continues on April 20 from noon to 1 p.m. on central campus, south of the Campanile.

“Opening ceremonies is the official kick off to Veishea,” said Kathy Craig, Veishea general co-chair and senior in Spanish. “It’s a way to introduce things going on during the weekend.”

Alyssa Armbrecht, Veishea ceremonies co-chair, said this year’s ceremony will be featuring Miss Theresa Uchytil, Miss Iowa 2000, as the keynote speaker.

In addition to the keynote, ISU Interim President Richard Seagrave will speak, as well as Craig and Brian Nash, Veishea general co-chairs, said Armbrecht, senior in food science.

This year’s Veishea scholars and the Community Involvement Scholar will also be honored at the ceremony. Also included in the program is a performance by the ISU drum line.

“The tradition was started as a way to `keep the rain away,'” said Armbrecht, about the lighting of the Veishea torch which will also take place at the ceremony.

The torch lighting had an interesting beginning in ISU history, with several celebrities participating, Armbrecht said. Future president and former actor Ronald Reagan lit the torch in 1958, and Vice President Lyndon Johnson lit the torch in 1963, while actor John Wayne followed in 1967.

“The torch was then carried to Des Moines by 127 runners representing 25 campus organizations,” Armbrecht said. “From there, four Iowa State students and a mule names Frances carried it to Ames.”