Thank you for 33 Percent, Daily

Julie Harders

On behalf of the ISU Sexual Assault Task Force and the Story County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), I want to commend the recently formed “33 Percent Group” for helping make this year’s activities for Sexual Assault Awareness Month a success.

I also want to thank the ISU Daily for its excellent coverage of the events.

33 Percent is a student organization with a mission of educating people about sexual violence and domestic assault.

This month alone, the men and women of 33 Percent hosted a video presentation in the Great Hall, assisted with a mock sexual assault trial and participated in the Take Back the Night Rally and March.

Special thanks to Bryce Butler, president of 33 Percent, for his leadership and vision, and for speaking out at the Rally last week; Thomas Fawcett, vice president of 33 Percent, for playing the role of the accused in the mock trial; and Andrea Gunning, for playing the role of the survivor.

Both actors gave outstanding performances.

We look forward to future collaborations with 33 Percent and the Iowa State Daily.

By working together to raise awareness we can create a safer campus and community. Keep up the great work!

Julie Harders

Coordinator, Story County SART