Sissy and Sassy drag queens entertain sold-out crowd

Megan Williams

Sequined dresses, high heels, glam girl makeup and fake breasts rocked the stage at the sold-out “The Sissy and Sassy Show” Friday night at the M-Shop.

Master of Ceremonies Curt Lund, senior in graphic design, started the night by showing a pre-recorded video of Sissy and Sassy in the Memorial Union and giving the rules for the show.

“There are only two rules tonight,” Lund said. “Number one: make some noise. And number two: show some love to the girls!”

The audience definitely made some noise when Bryan Allen, the show’s coordinator, took the stage as Sissy and started the night lip-synching to Britney Spears’ version of the Rolling Stones’ “Satisfaction (I Can’t Get No).”

Red-haired Sissy, wearing a strapless top and sequined skirt, then introduced her “creation,” the second half of the drag queen duo.

Jeremy Hayes, junior in management information systems, made his debut as Sassy in a peroxide blond wig and black sequined dress. One of her performance’s highlights was a rendition of Fiona Apple’s “Criminal.”

Justin Houston, freshman in liberal arts and sciences, got more than he bargained for when Sissy pulled him up on the stage and did a lap dance for him.

“It was a little unexpected, but funny, since I know these guys,” Houston said. “The show is pretty crazy.”

Houston was also the object of Sissy and Sassy’s “The Boy is Mine” performance. He received a $20 gift certificate to Lucullan’s for participating.

Although the show got off to a rocky start with technical difficulties and a false fire alarm, audience members got their money’s worth in entertainment. Sissy and Sassy kept the show moving with backup dancers and offhand humor, and for a dollar fans could get a kiss from either drag diva.

“My chest is going kinda slack, people are putting so much money in my bra!” Sissy said after one fan paid for a kiss.

Sissy, who also received a standing ovation from the crowd after singing Tori Amos’ “Hey Jupiter,” said it was a special night for another reason too.

Debbra Sloan, Allen’s mother, was in the audience for the first time watching one of Sissy’s shows.

“Everything about the performance was great, especially the dancing,” Sloan said. “Bryan has such a beautiful voice.”

Sloan, who is originally from California, said she was impressed with the work put into the show and that it was nice to see what Bryan was doing.

“The show was just incredible,” she said.