Village has Big Top, open houses

Katelyn Thrall

A variety of activities, live performances and information for all ages will all be showcased at this year’s Veishea Village.

“Veishea Village helps inform the Cyclone family, students and Ames community about everything that goes on at Iowa State,” said Danielle Etzel, Veishea Village co-chair. “It shows how much diversity we have in all of our clubs and organizations.”

According to the Veishea Web site,, this year’s Veishea Village includes Cy’s Big Top, the Cultural Festival, the International Food Fair and more than 80 open houses.

All of these events are held on central campus and showcase different parts of Iowa State.

“Cy’s Big Top is an activity tent for children of all ages to come through and participate in a variety of activities,” said Liane Fritch, Cy’s Big Top coordinator.

Fritch, junior in early childhood education, said different ISU clubs and organizations choose to participate and “put on” the activities for children attending the celebration.

Cy’s Big Top will be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on central campus. The Cultural Festival from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. will also be held on central campus.

“The Cultural Festival is a way for Iowa State cultural clubs and organizations to display or showcase their countries or organizations,” said Amy Fahrmann, cultural festival coordinator. “It allows for visitors to Veishea, along with Iowa State students, to experience the different cultures or countries represented on campus.”

In addition to the festival, Veishea Village also will present the Village Square Stage, featuring different performances ranging from dance and musical acts to skits.

“It is a way to showcase the variety of talents Iowa State students possess,” said Fahrmann, senior in management.

Stage performances are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a break during the parade.

Veishea Village will include open house displays throughout campus.

“Open houses are for any club or organization who wants to show off,” said Etzel, junior in agricultural food science.

Etzel said presentations will vary from a wheelchair obstacle course to a chemistry presentation.

“Veishea Village is . a way to recognize different campus organizations,” said Kathy Craig, Veishea general co-chair and senior in Spanish. “It’s the academic and leadership components combined.”