Veishea Voyage covers 500 miles

Veishea Voyage marks its 42nd year as an annual torch run to kick off the Veishea celebration.

The Voyage started in 1959, and has been an annual tradition ever since, said Kathy Craig, general co-chair.

Brian Nash, general co-chair, said the great thing about the Voyage is its unique history and tradition.

“The original idea was meant to appease the rain gods so it doesn’t rain during Veishea,” said Craig, senior in Spanish.

The torch run was also started as a special way to mark the official beginning of Veishea and to kick off the entire celebration, she said.

Over the years, many different people have lit the torch to start the annual run.

“In 1950, President Harry Truman lit the torch in Ottumwa and one other time Ronald Reagan when he was an actor,” Craig said.

The first run was from Des Moines to Ames and has grown longer ever since. This year’s torch will be carried to many other Iowa colleges and universities, she said.

The Voyage, promoting the theme “Creating Cyclone Unity” will start at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, and continue to travel to Wartburg College, the University of Northern Iowa, Coe College, the University of Iowa, Grinnell College, Central College and Simpson College, covering more than 500 miles.

“Each year there is a different university theme,” Craig said. “This year they’ve formed the route to go along with the theme of Veishea.”

She also said the purpose of unifying and serving the community is used as an outreach tool to Iowa schools and connect them to Iowa State.

Jaime Tierney, tournaments co-chair, said runners will start on April 16 at 4 a.m. and end in Ames April 20 for the Veishea opening ceremonies.

“There are eight groups this year with about seven people in each group,” she said. “Most of them are Iowa State students, but anyone can run.”

Runners will switch off during the days and nights, and can run however long they want, said Tierney, junior in industrial engineering.

While the route may have changed with time, Craig said the Voyage still has the same outlook and tradition for promoting and celebrating Veishea.