Program not `too good to be true’

This letter is in response to Jocelyn Marcus’ March 30 column, “Too good to be true.”

She wrote in that column about the USA Today Readership program that will be introduced into the Residence halls this fall.

There are several things about her column that are incorrect.

First, $10 per semester does not equal $24 per year.

Second, this is something that the majority of the res-hall students clearly want.

I’m sure there are a few against it.

However, in the Towers Residence Association Senate, as well as in house meetings where this was discussed, THIS WAS WANTED BY STUDENTS.

I can’t speak for Richardson Court Association and Union Drive Association, but I suspect that similar situations existed.

That is why the vote was 21-0-1.

The members I’m aware of asked their constituents, and they were in favor of this measure.

IRHA was responsible with its actions.

Third, her comparison to the juice bill is not a good one.

The juice bill was highly contested and failed.

This was widely supported, and succeeded overwhelmingly.

Finally, I believe that Marcus’ description of IRHA parliament as a “used car salesman” is just inappropriate.

TRA programming chair


Computer science

Andrew Kothenbeutel

TRA Government of the Student Body senator


Political science