U.S. conspiracy?

Mike Schuster

That was a remarkable crash between the American and the Chinese airplanes. I’ve got to hand it to them, there was hardly a scratch on the U.S. plane where the nose got knocked off – not even a wrinkle.

Look at the photos off the net. For a mid-air collision, that plane stood up very well. How could a nose be broken off so clean from a crash? And then, how could a plane be flown without a nose? In fact, I’m beginning to wonder if there was indeed a crash.

What if they released the nose just to shoot down the Chinese airplane – on purpose?

All the U.S. plane gets is a little flying debris, a chewed-up propeller and a loose strut. But what if this plane was also a decoy?

And furthermore, what if America wanted those crew members to be caught and held? Now it’s a hostage crisis – aha!

This would be just what America could use to hold against China and then use to justify the United States in arming Taiwan with more sophisticated weapons.

America was so quick in calling this a spy mission. Who admits to being spies so freely?

Who can believe what America was trying to pull of was so innocent? This is the same thing as the Cuban missile crisis all over again, but now, America is the one sticking its arrogance around the world.

Mike Schuster

