Napster alternatives ( – Although has been hit by its share of lawsuits, the company still holds second place to the all-powerful Napster. All of the MP3s offered on the site are free, however most of the music is by unsigned or indie label artists which may turn off many mainstream downloaders. Still offers a vast library for the listener that is looking for something new.

Launch ( – Started in 1994 in the form of a compact disc magazine, Launch doesn’t figure to be an MP3 site as much as it is a digital music site. Launch offers some MP3s for downloads. It plans to offer more once a deal inked with the labels, but its main features are live music feeds and personalized radio stations that cater to listener requests.

EMusic ( – EMusic offers more than 160,000 songs, 13,000 albums and 8,500 artists – for a price. While the variety of Emusic’s library is wide, each song is $.99 to download while full albums cost $8.99. The upside is that Emusic offers plenty of news and some artists, such as the Donnas, hand-pick the MP3s that are on their page.

Scour Exchange ( – Although the beta version of the “new, legal Scour Exchange” is yet to be released, it has the potential to take over Napster’s spot as long as it can stay out of legal trouble this time. Not only will Scour Exchange have the capacity to swap MP3s, but digital fans can also swap entire movies, television clips and trailers.