Ready to represent ISU students

Jose E. Rodriguez

Hi, my name is Jose Rodriguez, and I just want to thank all the people who supported and helped me to get elected to the Government of the Student Body senate.

I am very anxious to begin my term as off-campus senator on April 10.

I will work every single day as hard as I can in order to work for all of the issues that no one in the GSB ever addresses.

My purpose is to work for the student body and not for personal gain.

I want to change the perspective that some students have about the GSB – for instance, that we don’t care and that we don’t make a difference in your student life, because, actually, we do.

As soon as I start my duties as a GSB senator, I will put my office hours in the Daily.

I hope that every student that has any concern or ideas about things that can be improved in the university will call me as soon as possible, and I will do whatever I can, because that’s what I was elected for – for student life improvement.

Also, you can email me at [email protected].

I also want to congratulate GSB President-elect Andy Tofilon and Vice President-elect Charlie Johnson.

I think they are going to do a great job.

In respect to the senate decision on investigating the Daily, I completely disagree with the investigation.

The editor in chief is only human, and I’m sure it was just a mistake, so why make a big deal about it?

They should have just let her know not to do it the next time.

Let’s focus on other issues that are more relevant to students.

Jose E. Rodriguez

GSB off-campus senator
