If Marshall Mathers played for the other team, it wouldn’t matter

Tony Nusbaum

Jeremiah Kaiser’s March 2 letter, “Maybe Dahlager plays for the other team,” was one of the most ridiculous things I’ve seen all year. Mr. Kaiser, how can you claim the you are not homophobic and then say “as a fan of Slim Shady, I found it highly offensive.” How can YOU be offended by someone suggesting that a musician is gay? What difference does it make?Does that change the quality (or lack thereof) of the music? Why does this offend you? Is it because you feel that Marshall needs your support in his fight against detractors? I think he’s handled that well enough on his own. I think it’s more likely that you would hate to have to admit that you listen to and enjoy music made by a gay man. Heres the beauty of Jon’s article: IT WAS OPINION. He can express any view he wants to. WITHOUT research. That’s why opinion columns exist.Tony Nusbaum


Political science