Ballroom dance club gets funky

Shandra Wendorff

Waltz. Polka. Salsa. Mamba. Swing. Merengue. The ISU Ballroom Dance Company has it all and is incorporating anything and everything into it’s 2nd annual “Funky Formal” Friday night.

The April Fool’s theme dance will take place at the Lake Robbins Ballroom in Woodward tonight at 7.. The event offers a free dance lesson and music by the Stardusters for anyone interested in learning more about ballroom dancing. And no, you don’t have to know how to dance to participate.

“This event is really for anyone who wants to come out and have a good time,” says dance company president Bryan Reynolds, junior in animal science pre-vet. “It can get you over your inhibitions. Nobody is making fun of anyone out here. It’s a fun time.”

Reynolds says half of the executive board for the ISU Ballroom will be sporting kilts as a costume of choice, but he says costumes are entirely optional.

However, they are recommended to increase the fun factor of the event.

“Last year, costumes ranged from leisure suits to prom dresses to people dressed in drag,” Reynolds says.

Decorations for the dance will be a hodgepodge of everything and will include 4th of July, Valentines Day and Halloween decorations, says Christa Ralth, senior in zoology and secretary to the executive board of the club.

More than 200 people enjoyed the festivities last year and even more are projected to attend this year, she adds.

The ISU Ballroom Dance Company has approximately 150 members including students, faculty and adults in the Ames area.

“We have young people come, and it’s mostly college students,” Ralth says.

All money the group raises through ticket sales will go toward fees the group pays for instructional lessons held every Wednesday and Friday at the Forker building and for funding the competition team.

The competition team consists of ten dancers who compete against college dance groups across the Midwest. They recently competed at the Star of the North competition in St. Paul, where they snagged five first place awards.

The Lake Robbins Ballroom is 20 to 30 minutes away from Ames and the group is offering a carpool, which meets at the Forker building at 7:15 p.m. Friday.

Tickets are $10 and include admission, food, the free lesson and door prizes. A cash bar will also be available. Check out the ISU Ballroom Dance Company’s Web site at for more information regarding “Funky Formal” and the club.