Specialty seats here to stay

Kyaw Kyaw

Well, it is over and it is decided. The specialty seats referendum has failed.

The proponents of this bill would say more students voted in favor of the bill. One could say it failed “elegantly.” However, in any way, it has failed.

Those people who run for the specialty seats represent different layers of the ISU students.

They represent those who can’t move around like others; those who don’t have the same cultural values; those who don’t have the same national origin; those who don’t have the same circumstances; and those who don’t have large numbers of students like them on campus.

Eliminating these seats would have muted the voices of these rather “special” groups of people.

It is undeniable that there are some different kinds of students on campus and their voices should be heard.

It is a true success for those “special” people on campus as the referendum has failed.

Kyaw Kyaw


Electrical engineering