Y’all done lost; get over it
March 1, 2001
The debate over the appropriateness in displaying the Confederate flag, one of the South’s most enduring symbols, has once again reared its ugly head in America, as Georgia recently approved the creation of a new state flag.The flag features a smaller version of the symbol than on the previous flag, but still reveals the ignorance of a lot of white, Southern Americans. When will these people realize that a symbol of racism, slavery and a time when other human beings were subject to cruelty because of skin color is harshly insensitive to others who fail to share the same views?The debate is nothing new. After pressure from the NAACP, South Carolina recently moved the Confederate flag from the Capitol building to a Confederate war memorial.You will hear the argument: The flag commemorates those who gave their life fighting for what they believe in. The only problem with this is that what they believed was that slavery was a tolerable and morally permissible act.We are not saying that Confederate soldiers who gave their life must not be commemorated with the proud displaying of the flag. What we are saying is that the Confederate symbol should not be displayed in places that represent state sovereignty. It has no place on a state flag and no place flying over a Capitol building.Not everyone sees this ominous symbol as a commemoration of heritage. African-Americans have every right to protest the flag being flown over Capitol buildings.And for those who disagree and see the flag as a good thing, feel free to fly the flag over a Confederate war memorial. Hey, y’all can go right ahead and stick that bad boy on your mudflaps and let if fly out the window of your favorite pickup for all we care. For those of you who aren’t aware: Y’all lost the war. In fact, it wasn’t even close. Do what you need to do to deal with that revelation.Just don’t make others succumb to its vile and ignorant symbolism.editorialboard: Carrie Tett, Jocelyn Marcus, Katie Goldsmith, Andrea Hauser and Tim Paluch