Faber ill-informed, bleeding heart
March 22, 2001
In regard to the March 20 column, “Measure promotes nothing but intolerance”: Spare me the bleeding-heart journalism Rachel Faber.
Next time you write about a topic of debate, you should spend more time explaining what the law will actually change.
What is an English-only law?
Why is it even needed?
I am personally undecided on this topic, and your poorly informational article is not helping any of us students understand what is at stake.
As for your poor victims of discrimination, they have jobs that pay decently, and they enjoy life in America.
So one must ask: Why do we hear about their cultural torment? I know, because we all want to be victims.
Victimization releases individuals from the constraints of responsibility.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful if we could all blame someone else for the few bad things making our otherwise decent lives miserable?
And, Rachel, thanks for promoting the stereotype that only Hispanics work in packing plants.
I’m solid Irish and German, and a member of my family has worked in just such a place within the last year.
No, they weren’t in the office. It was one of the jobs right on the floor working with the organs.
So why would they be doing that?
The money was decent, and it was, in fact, enough to live off of.
What is so demeaning about hard work, anyway?
Should no one be doing these jobs because they are at the low end of the chain?
Or would it make you feel better to promote all the Hispanics to middle management and move some white guys down to the floor?
Do you think that would make the Hispanics happier?
My hunch is they are actually pretty happy where they are, and they don’t need your diatribe of victimization to fix the world for them.
Shawn Coyle