Whatever art and writing

Josh Nelson

Poems, short stories, art and photography created by ISU Honors students are showcased in Quantum Whatever, a magazine that is produced each semester. The submission deadline for the spring 2001 issue is Wednesday.

“It’s a creative anthology created for and by honor students,” said Courtney Schmidt, an honors student involved with the magazine and a junior in psychology.

Despite its current array of writers and artists, Quantum Whatever is looking to involve other honor students through submissions of their work into the magazine.

“We’re aiming to get the work of other students that aren’t necessarily art or English majors,” said Quantum Whatever editor Kim Siegl, senior in zoology.

This rings true for the staff currently involved in the magazine, as their majors range from statistics to liberal arts and sciences to animal science.

Currently the magazine has published around 10 to 15 student-submitted works and plans to include more in the future.

It would like to expand from the small group of students it is depending on for submissions.

For the upcoming issue, the staff plans to have a full color spread featuring art and photography, along with the written works and the “custom” layout the magazine boasts.

The magazine is currently being distributed mainly at Osborn Cottage, the home for the Honors Program.

However, issues of the magazine have also been taken over to many honors houses, and through the Freshman Honors Program.

For honors students interested in submitting works to Quantum Whatever, there are a few guidelines. All works must be original and unpublished pieces. The works can be submitted via e-mail to [email protected], or dropped off in the Quantum Whatever mailbox in the center room of Osborn Cottage.

Those interested in becoming involved with the magazine can contact Kim Siegl at [email protected], or at 572-7788.

Siegl said the magazine is expected to be released in late April.