Pick your battles, PETA
March 26, 2001
Protesting fashion designers’ use of fur collars. Arguing against the use of animal testing by makeup companies.
Some things are worth fighting over; some things aren’t. And sometimes PETA goes too far.
This weekend, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals was in Ames protesting the slaughter of 126 sheep believed to be infected with a version of mad cow disease.
These sheep would likely have died of the disease anyway; they were being put out of their misery.
Isolating, studying and euthanizing these sheep will stop the spread of the disease to other animals, saving the lives of entire herds of sheep.
Not to mention that using these sheep to study mad cow disease could potentially save humans’ lives.
From putting a nearly naked woman in a cage to protest the plight of circus animals to their short-lived “Got Beer?” campaign, in which they urged college students to drink beer instead of milk, PETA is often put under the microscope for their controversial tactics.
PETA needs learn to pick their battles. While it makes sense to protest animal testing for makeup research, it’s ludicrous to complain about animals being slaughtered in the pursuit of a cure for cancer.
These sheep are being killed to save the lives of both other animals and people.
It’s a decision a pro-animal group should applaud, not protest.
editorialboard: Carrie Tett, Jocelyn Marcus, Katie Goldsmith, Andrea Hauser and Tim Paluch