Patterson rocks the cradle, gives readers a surprise

Matthew D. Carlson

The age old plot of good vs. evil has never been more frightening. It is a no holds barred affair in James Patterson’s new masterpiece “Cradle and All.”

The Vatican in Rome has held a secret of biblical proportions for nearly eighty years. Now after all these years the promise is about to be fulfilled.

In Boston, sixteen-year-old Kathleen Beavier is pregnant. The daughter of a wealthy family, Kathleen is embarrassed about her current situation. One major catch in the whole affair is that Kathleen still claims to be a virgin.

The Catholic Church has been prepared for this and sends investigators to determine if this is truly a divine occurrence. The investigators and the doctors all reach the same conclusion – Kathleen is still a virgin.

In a small Irish town another young girl, Colleen Galaher, is with child. Colleen is only fourteen-years-old and also claims to be a virgin. The church again investigates and comes to the haunting conclusion that Colleen is also still a virgin.

Can two young women actually be carrying a holy child? Has one girl found a way to fool the doctors and investigators?

Father Nicholas Rosetti knows the truth. The Pope himself told Father Rosetti about the promise and the warning given at Fatima, Portugal – two virgins will conceive a child, one will be holy and the other evil. Father Rosetti must figure out which girl is carrying which baby, before it is too late.

James Patterson appears to be the busiest author around. Right after “Cradle and All” was released in paperback a new book was issued in hard cover, “1st to Die.” Since the start of 2000, Patterson has written four books and is currently working on more.

Patterson has become well known through his series about Detective Alex Cross. April 6 will mark the second Cross novel to be transferred to the movie screen.

His novels all have two things in common: one, they are all very suspenseful, and two, they all land near or at number one on the New York Times bestsellers list.

“Cradle and All” will take the reader to a new level of thought. Most books have a story line that is easily understood and leaves little to the imagination. This book will truly keep you guessing. The reader must attempt to figure out who is fighting for God and who has sided with the devil.

At a time when the entertainment industry has become very predictable it is nice to see such great originality. It is also amazingly fortunate that this originality is being so highly rewarded. Patterson is an unstoppable force in today’s fiction circles. One will never cease to be amazed by any of his stories.

Many books are a high-paced read and a page-turner. “Cradle and All” is more than that. This book took less than 12 hours to read. It would have taken less time if not for classes. The plot keeps readers guessing and the characters will shock. In the end, nothing will be as readers assumed.