No pets allowed
March 27, 2001
An ISU professor has found that feeding beer to dogs or other pets at parties is an all-too-common practice.
While students may get a kick out of watching a dog reel around drunk and pass out, it amounts to animal cruelty.
Alcohol and drugs can have serious effects on human beings, and these are magnified in a small animal.
The animal’s body mass is significantly less than that of a person, and animals have no tolerance for these substances, making the impact on their bodies extremely serious.
A drug as mild as beer can paralyze a dog, and drugs such as marijuana or other illegal substances can send it into seizures and may even lead to death.
If students want to have pets, they must be more responsible than to endanger the lives of those pets.
Pets are not allowed in the dorms, and those rules should also be applied to greek houses and other communal living environments.
The abundance of new faces around can be confusing and disturbing for the animal.
Any student with a pet needs to have the basic respect for life to realize that feeding a pet alcohol or other drugs is not fun, it’s just cruel.
editorialboard: Carrie Tett, Jocelyn Marcus, Katie Goldsmith, Andrea Hauser and Tim Paluch