Vote Tofilon and Johnson

Editorial Board

GSB elections begin tomorrow, and, since voting is now easier than ever, all ISU students should cast their votes. Go online to AccessPlus and vote for the candidates of your choice. And when you vote, vote Tofilon and Johnson for GSB executives.The top concern for the 2001-2001 academic year will be tuition increases, and Tofilon and Johnson both have experience lobbying the Iowa Legislature and the Board of Regents. Most students don’t see the behind-the-scenes of the lobbying process, they just see the 10 percent tuition increase. Most students don’t realize the student governments this year talked the regents down from a tuition increase nearing 20 percent to a 9.9 percent increase.GSB members have been lobbying the Legislature the last two weeks, also, and Sen. Johnie Hammond, D-Ames, recently told IRHA that funding for higher education will no longer be cut. So, even though students may not directly see the results, lobbying has worked.The Iowa regents have already hinted students should expect a big tuition hike next year, so lobbying will be crucial.Although any executives can drive to Des Moines and lobby representatives, the fact that Tofilon and Johnson are known to the senators and representatives will get them in the door. And that’s half the battle.Other executive slates are focusing on getting students involved and increasing campus diversity. These are great goals, but senators, rather than executives, would be most effective in accomplishing them. The GSB Senate should adopt programs like Your Voice and a multicultural center to reach these goals.Lobbying the regents and the legislature is the one way students can feasibly affect tuition and keep prices down. That is the biggest contribution next year’s president and vice president can make.Tofilon and Johnson have not only said they are dedicated to this cause, they have shown it as well with their tireless efforts to lobby representatives over the past year.editorialboard: Carrie Tett, Jocelyn Marcus, Katie Goldsmith, Andrea Hauser and Tim Paluch