I’m sorry, says Bible thumper

Dan Nguyen

As a Bible thumper, Bryan Nichols’ column, “Different shades of the faith,” made me feel sorry for myself and my brethren in the faith.I am sorry we have spoiled Nichols’ dream that college might be a liberal utopia free of conflict and strife. God knows that love is only a liberal value and that all of the great Christian figures never intended anyone else to take a stand. I am sorry they never took religion to be opium.I am sorry we’ve embarrassed Nichols among his social circle. I’m sorry we’ve turned the word God into an embarrassing epithet that no longer makes its speaker more popular around the schoolyard. God knows Nichols’ timidity and shame about his faith is solely due to people like me who only claim to be religious but are no better than wolves in sheep’s clothing.I am sorry I failed to be indoctrinated by the second God, more popularly known as television. I am sorry that after watching Fred Phelps on TV I failed to realize that every other outspoken Christian must belong in his flock. I am sorry that because many of us have failed to reach the title of “scientist” or even “genetics major” that we are quickly disqualified from being “reasonable, intelligent, [and] open-minded.”I’m sorry the Bible doesn’t address the need to be skilled in scientific learning before entering the Kingdom. God knows if you can’t completely understand the mechanics or theology behind stem cell division, then you surely do not belong in heavenMost of all, I am truly sorry that broad stereotypes and naive generalizations are thrown about so quickly in this type of debate, and that those who are the most sensitive are the ones who throw best. God knows He made us better than that.Dan Nguyen


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