Return my bike, and you can have it when I leave

Carolyn Fitzsimmons

My bicycle was stolen on Friday, Feb. 9th, and I want to make the following appeal to the thief. You know, it’s only been one day and already I miss my bicycle. I ride it every day (well, almost — on weekends I like to walk). It saves me a lot of money (I haven’t started my car for at least two weeks), and it’s very trustworthy. It’s not a very good or expensive bike. I’ve had it for seven years and it’s rusty, the pedals are broken, it only shifts into three gears, and the bearings inside the crank shaft are going, actually it’s a good winter bike because you can’t do much else to it. So why did you steal it? Was it a desperate escape from a pursuer? In that case, could you bring it back? If I did ride my bike last Friday you can see that I’m telling the truth about riding my bike every day. I don’t want to buy a new one. I’m moving overseas to start a Ph.D. next fall and want to save money. Actually I was going to give my bike away to whoever wanted it before I left, but I have not left yet.So, let’s make a deal. If you bring my bicycle back to where you found it (in the bike rack please), I will leave it there on June 30 for you to take. Or, if you prefer, I can deliver it to any place you like. I just want to use it a little while longer.Carolyn Fitzsimmons

Research associate

Animal science