Festival focuses on student filmmaking

Jennifer Schweisberger

Look out, Cannes.Iowa State will be hosting its first student film festival March 29 at 7:30 p.m. in 101 College of Design. The exhibition is the brainchild of architecture seniors Jacob Furlong and Fernando Schrupps-Rivero and will be funded by the Student Union Board and the department of architecture.”Many people use video for their senior projects [in the College of Design],” Furlong said. “We wanted an exhibition for people’s work.””We were thinking about doing a film festival at the same time that they approached us, so it was perfect timing,” said Mendi Antisdeo, head of SUB films.Organizers are looking to extend the type of entries beyond class projects, Schrupps-Rivero said. To assist in that, there are three film submission categories. Quickie films will be for those under 90 seconds, while animation and feature film submissions can be over 90 seconds. There will also be a Best of Show cash award that would cover all categories. “Filmmaking can be expensive,” Furlong said. “A few hundred dollars here and there can encourage more people to participate.” A panel of jurors, which has not yet been determined, will choose the Best of Show. Furlong said the organizers are looking at the Des Moines Art Center, City Review and College of Design professors for possible jurors. The organizers and funding sources are hoping for a wide variety of entries for the festival’s first year.”I’m hoping that it’s not just design and journalism students,” Antisdeo said. “There isn’t a film major at the university, so no entries will have an advantage over another,” Schrupps-Rivero added. “We don’t want professional work.”The festival is only open to ISU students, and the deadline for entering films is March 21 at 5 p.m. Antisdeo said there have already been many inquiries about rules and entry information for the exhibit. Details about the festival, entry forms and rules are available at the West Student Office Space, the department of architecture office in the College of Design or the film festival’s Web site, www.sub.iastate.edu/isufilmfest/. There is no entry fee required.”Movie making is a great media,” Furlong said, “whether it’s stop action, full computer animation, or if it’s just a group of friends that have a story to tell using a camcorder they checked out from the university.”