Coconut Cove misrepresented

Chris Hudrick

Coconut Cove misrepresentedI just wanted to write in a response to the Feb. 16 article “New bar opens on Main Street,” about Coconut Cove Bar.First of all, I think the article was sort of biased. The author painted a rather negative picture of an establishment he was never even in (the interview was conducted over the phone). For a fledgling business — especially a bar — bad press can be detrimental to the business’s first few days and can have an overall negative and lasting effect.Word of mouth is everything around here.In this town with so many bars all over, reporting things such as the location is “like the black hole of bar reality,” as an ISU student was quoted as saying, can kill you before you have a chance to get your feet off the ground. Also, having a student state that it would take something big to get her out of the Zone … well, that’s a scary thought alone. Actually having been in both places affords me the luxury to say that the Zone doesn’t have half the atmosphere or charisma that Coconut Cove has.Anyone looking to try a new place with an interesting and fresh atmosphere should go to the Cove; you won’t be disappointed.I challenge ALL the naysayers (especially the person who wrote the original article and his source) to spend a night out at Coconut Cove on Main Street. Maybe your next article on the Cove will be more positive.Chris Hudrick

Ames resident

Coconut Cove patron