Gymnasts square off with ranked teams this weekend

Pat Glennon

The success of the ISU women’s gymnastics team continues after they have moved up in the rankings to ninth following their best performance this season Sunday against Missouri.The Cyclones swept Missouri in all competitions but the balance beam, including placing the top three gymnasts in the overall competition. The barrage was led by Big 12 gymnast of the week Shelly Kringen.However, gymnastics coach K.J. Kindler was not ecstatic by the performance of Kringen and company.”I can’t say that I am surprised, she’s performed to her capabilities. There is some competitiveness between Sissy, Jessy and Shelly… they are always trying to out-do each other,” Kindler said.Although competition has manifested itself into creating her best performance, Kringen compliments her mental attitude when going into a meet.”I have confidence behind me that I know I am going to hit it,” Kringen said. “The worst thing you can do is second guess yourself.”Second guessing is the last thought on the minds of the gymnasts and their coaching staff as they prepare for a home meet this weekend against 10th-ranked Minnesota and 17th-ranked Oklahoma. However, the Cyclones are feeling the confidence coming off of two great meets, assistant coach Kim Mazza said.”We are going to keep doing what we’re doing… paying attention to all the little things that can make the difference, like sticking the landings,” Mazza said.Senior co-captain Lauren Goldberg agreed with Mazza that the pressure of performing well this weekend has not reached the team.”I think that because our confidence is up … we won’t be as nervous,” Goldberg said.Complimenting the confidence of the squad, Kindler said she is content with their current ranking but has lofty goals for the remainder of the season. Among these goals is to surpass last year’s performance.”Last year our highest ranking was eight … but we can do better,” she said. “I would like to make nationals and qualify for the Super Six.”As the confidence and performance mentality creates morale within the gymnastics squad, it was a co-captain who displaced the confidence with simplicity.”Our greatest characteristic is performing well under pressure and we recover well from mistakes,” Goldberg said.The Cyclone squad will be dueling with Minnesota and Oklahoma at 7 p.m. Friday in Hilton Coliseum.