Special meeting planned to discuss pre-registration

Steven Brittain

The Government of the Student Body voted Wednesday night to call a special meeting to consider a bill to place a referendum before the students to decide whether they should have to register before they can vote for senate specialty seats.The senate will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in a location to be announced.Currently, students must register six weeks before the general election to cast votes for American ethnic minority, disabilities, international and nontraditional senate seats.Jennifer Ray, American ethnic minority senator, authored a bill that states the pre-registration process “hinders voter turnout and reduces the overall voice of the students the special senate seats wish to represent.””The registering of students for these seats is a process which is unnecessary, inadequately publicized and discriminatory,” Ray said.After a motion by Ray to make the bill emergency business failed, Ray and a majority of the senate voted to deal with the bill in a special meeting Monday.”In order for this to be on the ballot, it must be decided on by 11:59 Monday night,” Ray said. “If it’s not passed beforehand, then it wouldn’t have any effect.”Several senators were opposed to dealing with the bill as emergency business because that wouldn’t allow them to introduce it to their constituency councils.Off-campus senators Alex Rodeck and Philip Burgmeier said it would not be fair to their constituents if they voted for a bill without first discussing it with the people they represent.”The off-campus constituency council meets on Tuesday nights, so the only way that I would hope that we would deal with this bill is at next Wednesday’s meeting, when it would normally be voted on,” Rodeck said.Roy Salcedo, graduate, said the bill is too important to sit on until the next senate meeting.”There are other ways that you can get into contact with your constituents,” he said. “You can use e-mail, you can phone them. It’s not hard to get this information out.”