Singing Valentines can be a fun alternative to flowers and candy

Mike Britson

Still looking for a perfect gift for that special someone on Valentine’s Day? Look no further than the ISU Music Department. The Iowa State Singers, ISU’s most prestigious singing ensemble, give a unique way to show your appreciation this Valentine’s Day, by way of singing valentines. When a person purchases a singing valentine, a quartet is assigned based on schedule, and travels to sing for the requested person. Usually, the singing valentine happens in a classroom before the class begins, said Melinda Wadsley, social chair of the Singers, and member of the Valentine Committee. Wadsley said they have the instructor of the class sign a permission slip beforehand, and the professors are usually pretty cool about it. “It’s a neat way to show your appreciation for someone other than the run-of-the-mill box of chocolates or flowers,” she said. The singing valentines are not limited to classrooms, however. Wadsley said they will travel anywhere in Ames for the singing valentines, and have even sang for grandmothers over the phone. She also said there are usually several requests each year to sing for a future husband or wife on campus. Dr. James Rodde, director and faculty adviser for the Singers, said anyone may come up and purchase a singing valentine for only $8. Singing valentines will be on sale from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the booth across from the food court next to the West Student Office Space in the Memorial Union today through Friday. They will also sell from Feb. 12 through Feb. 14 in Music Hall. The proceeds will help fund the Singers’ tour of eastern Iowa this spring.