Fraud story hurtful

Chuanyu Zhou

After reading an article named “Officials watch for admissions fraud” in Thursday’s Daily, there have been a discussion via the mail list china-lianyi, owned by the Chinese Student and Scholar Friendship Associate, the largest foreign student associate in Iowa State. I think the e-mail from ETS accusing the cheating in Chinese student’s GRE and TEOFL is totally in-responsible. ETS contributed the recent “sharp upward trend” in GRE to cheating after their changing from paper test to computer test in China. I’m surprised that this kind of e-mail was distributed by an authoritative organization, ETS. There was report that this “upward trend” also happened in America after changing from paper test to computer test. It is obviously that there is some deficiency in either the evaluation system or question database of ETS. But when this happened in China, ETS contributed it to Chinese students’ cheating. There is only one word I can describe this: discrimination. It is inevitable that there is cheating everywhere in the world, what ETS should do is show evidence and accuse those people who did cheating, but not distribute its such in-responsible hypothesis whose target is all Chinese students. ETS’s behavior has violate some anti-discrimination law and many universities’ admission policy and ETS will take the consequence later. Some people may wonder why Chinese students can get high score in GRE and TOEFL score even they are not from an English speaking country. Nearly all Chinese students have studied more than 10 years English before taking GRE or TOEFL. To prepare GRE and TEOFL, most students spent at least half year, more than 10 hours per day before the tests. Many students regard GRE and TEOFL as a challenge to their ability and an important part for future career. One of my classmate memorized a dictionary with 30,000 vocabulary in it to prepare for the test. Most Chinese students in Iowa State has the similar experience. Working hard, harder, that’s the basic reason of the high score. As Mr. Yu said in the report written by Julie Rule, 99 percent Chinese students here deserve the admission. Why the professors like to recruit Chinese students? It’s not only because their high scores in those standard tests, but also their excellent on their research and study. Chinese students and scholars contribute their hard working for the building of Iowa State University and also their own career. From Yu, we knew that his points were missed in Julie’s report and the report only gave Chinese students a feeling of hurt.Chuanyu Zhou

Graduate student

Aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics