Want to enroll but can’t, please help

Dayton Heins

I find myself with an interesting problem. Iowa State will not let me enroll.I had academic problems for as long as I can remember. I found out I have mildly low blood sugar, which can lead to learning problems.After being dismissed, I sought diagnosis for my blood sugar disorder. After many tests and several clinics, I sought help at a mental health clinic here in Ames, the Richmond Center.Several weeks into counseling, I heard about my chemical imbalance that causes anxiety disorder. Test anxiety. So I can know the material at a B or C level and fail the class. I am currently on Prozac to treat my anxiety. I hate having to be on medication, but I feel better. I am attending Grand View College in Des Moines, but this is very expensive, besides commuting. I am so close to graduation from Iowa State if the new information is taken in proper context. With diagnosis in hand, I appealed my dismissal to the Iowa Board of Regents. They denied my appeal with no reason. This tells me there is no reason. Then I hear about the retention efforts resulting in record enrollment. There is a lack of teaching staff. Hire more faculty, replace those who have left. Place money where long term commitments are made. What I wonder is when will Iowa State open up to the new information. I have given them what they asked for, to no avail. Go figure.Dayton Heins

