Choose celibacy

Elizabeth Craw

I was greatly disturbed by Wednesday’s editorial. As far as I could tell, the main argument was that “people are going to do it anyway, so we’d better keep it legal.” Using that line of reasoning, one could argue that we should legalize drugs — people are going to use them anyway. Or, better yet, people are going to rob others, so why don’t we legalize that? People are going to commit murder regardless of the law, so why don’t we just make that legal too? Abortion should not be made legal merely because it exists. The abortion issue is a matter of truth and of right and wrong. The truth is that a fetus is a life, and it is wrong to end that life through abortion.The following statements are not directed at victims of rape and incest. Although I believe abortion is wrong in all cases, I certainly do not want to insinuate that the victims of such atrocities are at fault in any way. The word “choice” has been used often in this paper’s recent discussion of abortion. As a woman, I take my right to choose very seriously. In high school and college, I chose not to sleep around. I chose to save myself for my husband. Now that I’m married, I can choose to use one of the many forms of birth control widely available. In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, I know I have a partner who will be there to help me take care of my baby. Pregnancies do not just “happen;” choices are made that lead to a woman becoming pregnant. People should be more careful about the choices they make that cause unwanted pregnancies. Is it fair to end the life of an unborn child that exists because of the choices its parents made?Elizabeth Craw


Electrical and computer engineering