Yes, I care more for my car than endangered species

Steve Borgman

I just wanted to answer the question posed by Jeff Hall in his letter in yesterday’s Daily. I care more about my SUV than polar bears or penguins on thin ice. Don’t get me wrong — it’s not that I hate polar bears and penguins (some of my best friends are polar bears) — it’s just that I don’t see the choice of an automobile as a vote against wildlife, let alone an attempt to drive polar bears into extinction. Hell, I think Mother Nature gets the grand prize for extinction of the most species, with humans coming a fairly distant second — if that. My SUV is a great way to schlep the kids around and to ensure a bit safer journey. I also doubt that it puts more junk into the air than the cars I’ve seen people drive in Mexico and elsewhere in the world, let alone the air pollution in China. And you know what? I didn’t see or hear anybody worrying about polar bears or penguins in China or Mexico when I was there.Steve Borgman

