Conference teaches leadership skills

Katelyn Thrall

Freshman students gathered at the Memorial Union Saturday to learn how to become better leaders during the Fourth Annual Regional Freshman Leadership Conference.”This group of 40-some people, you can change the world,” said Dan Rice, academic advisor for liberal arts and sciences administration and keynote speaker at the event.Around 45 students from Iowa State, Grandview College and the Des Moines Area Community College attended the conference sponsored by the Iowa State Freshman Council. The conference was titled, “Life is a Dance: Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.”The day consisted of three different leadership sessions facilitated by ISU graduate students covering various topics. These included sessions on interviewing, diversity, etiquette and resume building, among other various leadership skills. “Leadership is not all in the title. It’s what you do, it’s the attitude,” said Laura Bestler-Wilcox, assistant director of student activities and faculty adviser for Freshman Council.One of the last events of the day helped enforce the theme of remembering others, titled the Game of Life. During this activity, participants were given a name tag specifying their social class, ethnicity, sex and disabilities. Students then set out to make lives for themselves, while being held to stereotypes.”I was amazed at how easy it was for certain people to advance while others were left behind,” said Carrie Clingan, freshman in sociology. “It definitely made me more aware of what goes on.”Throughout the day, participants were given information and advice on what it takes to be an effective leader.”If you do things with passion, you do things with purpose, you’ll be successful,” Rice said.Bestler-Wilcox said the event was a good chance for students to realize the importance of leadership skills in being successful.”We’re giving these students an opportunity to find a purpose,” she said.