English-only bill a bad idea
February 9, 2001
A bill to make English the official language of Iowa will be introduced in the Iowa Senate next week and already it is causing controversy.Supporters of the bill claim that it will promote unity and urge immigrants to learn English in order to better function in Iowa.However, such a bill will only lessen the diversity in the state.In a time when diversity is an ultimate goal, and universities, companies and states are striving to increase their diversity, making English an official language will only hamper these efforts.This bill sends the wrong message to the world about Iowa. Iowa is a friendly place, a place of acceptance, and making English the official language suggests xenophobia and negative attitudes toward foreigners.Proponents of the bill are correct that the English-only bill is not racist. At least not in the common meaning of the word. It doesn’t discriminate against blacks, Asian-Americans, or anyone who was born in the United States. However, it is racist in the sense that it makes it harder for those born outside the United States to function in Iowa.The Hispanic population is growing at an amazing rate in Iowa. While the ultimate goal is that they will learn English, an official language may make their adjustment difficult, or even prevent them from settling in Iowa at all.In a setting such as Iowa State, there are many students from countries such as China, Japan and India. These students may have a more difficult time at Iowa State if all their records and documents are in a foreign language. It may also send the message that they are not welcome here, which is untrue.Legislators should consider the effects carefully before approving this bill. Iowa is becoming more diverse, but this bill may put us at back at the end of the pack.editorialboard: Carrie Tett, Greg Jerrett, Katie Goldsmith, Andrea Hauser and Jocelyn Marcus