Humpfer helps students find life after ISU

Megan Williams

A new staff member in the College of Education is helping students find their way to life after college and filling a role that didn’t exist before in the college.Toni Humpfer is the new career services coordinator for the College of Education. She has been working in the office since last September.”It’s nice being back on campus and working with students again,” Humpfer said.Before taking the position at Iowa State last fall, Humpfer said she worked in human resources with a training program for YWCA in Des Moines.At the College of Education, her job involves working with employers, alumni and students. Students come to Humpfer for help with a job or internship search, or to work on their resumes.She said she helps them practice interviewing skills and set up interviews with prospective employers, while also working with employers in the students’ fields to try to set them up with a match.Since starting at Iowa State, Humpfer has been exploring changes that can be made in the career services office.”I’ve been reaching more into the classrooms,” she said. “I want to let students know what we have to offer instead of waiting for them to come to us.”Besides trying to increase student use of the career center, Humpfer said she is also planning a new workshop for the Educator’s Expo in March.Beverly Madden, director of career services, said Humpfer has done an excellent job of filling very important roll in career services. Humpfer is providing “a wealth of services” in her new appointment, she said.”The experience Toni Humpfer brings provides a very broad base,” Madden said. “She is able to work very effectively helping students and making it known that the services the office provides are available.”Madden said Humpfer’s job is unique because it deals with so many types of career services and majors. Because of the wide variety of majors, Humpfer must also know how to deal with very different sets of employers, she said.Madden also said she feels Humpfer has done well in not only helping students find jobs, but also in teaching them how and where to begin. Madden said with the number of jobs available, one of the most important things students can learn is how to begin looking.”Toni has made so visible the importance of teaching the process of searching, the how do you really go about it,” she said.