Paluch should go back where he came from

Mike Resczenko

I am glad to see that the opinion page of of the Daily hasn’t changed its left wing extremist views. It would be a shame if the editorial board would actually express opinions held by the majority of the students.I believe the tone and rhetoric of Tim Paluch typifies the left wing socialist view that the United States of America should become the Communist States of America. His comments in his column, “Genocide in the gulf continues,” clearly point out the hypocrisy oath that left wingers take. What about the 500,000 people in Rwanda that were hacked to death? Where was Bill Clinton, your savior, then? He was probably in the White House getting it on with an intern.Tim Paluch should round up his environmental terrorist, transgender, Second-Amendment hating, tofu-eating, tax-loving, ritalin-addicted, U.N.-supporting, politically correct friends and draw a line down the United States so that we oil-loving, heterosexual, gun-toting, libertarian-believers-in-the-Constitution can live in peace. It appears the Second American Revolution will be fought by these two sides. Which side are you on?If you are not happy with the principles of the Constitution, please feel free to break your chains with this evil country and move back to your native country or start your own. I’ll be happy to smile back at you from the other side.

Mike Resczenko

