Human sperm and eggs don’t make monkeys, Wong

Michael Rehberg

Mr. Wong, I fail to understand your reasoning. I will admit flat out that I do not hold to the evolutionary theory. I do not accept it because it is not reasonable, given you will say the same about what I hold. The major problem I have is if we are only higher evolved beings, why do we care who lives and dies and why do we strive to do good?Isn’t classic Darwinism survival of the fittest? If someone has some terrible disease, let them die — after all it really only means more food for the rest of us. In addition, what is the underlying motivation to help someone? Aren’t we all just energized dirt? What value could a person possibly have that would make all the effort worth it? A soul perhaps?The enigma that you presented in your column about the embryo and where life begins you answered yourself. Life does begin at conception for this reason: At that point the undifferentiated cells can only become a person — not a monkey, not a lizard, just a person. A sperm cannot become a person, an egg cannot become a person, but, and this is really big, a sperm and an egg (a.k.a. conception) can! This is not just a happy little coincidence contrived by Christians to solve a crisis problem in their theology; it is reasonable and true. I also believe in helping people, but not at the expense of a child. The question I have for you is why do you believe in helping people? Is it because of an element of good? Who or what defines good, and why would you want to do good? What does it get you, heaven? No you don’t believe in that ridiculous stuff! People will remember the good you have done? So what? People also remember the bad. You really have no reason. If we are just some cosmic accident, what purpose could any of us possibly have? Why don’t you live up to your philosophy? If you would, you would not care one bit about the people with Lou Gehrig’s disease; your whole life plan would really be “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”Michael Rehberg


Mechanical engineering